錦織 毅 Tsuyoshi Nishikori
Executive Producer
Born on October 21st, 1969, and graduated from Toho Gakuen Technical School’s Broadcasting Arts Department in 1988

From the age of nineteen, worked part time as an assistant director on a late night tv show. Through that rigorous work experience, forged the body and mind to work late into the night

In April 1989, at the legal drinking age of 20, began working at the advertising company, Cat Inc.

As a result of seeing Princess Mononoke in 1997, decided to try to get into the animation world

Hired in 1998 at the Animation Staffroom Inc. studio and began to venture on the road of animation. Assigned after 2 months to the Creative Department, becoming an Animation Producer. After 8 years of training, went independent

Established the Character Animation Studio Inc. in 2006.
In 2012, spearheaded by Katsumi Nagai, merged with Studio Placebo
Established a new specialized stop motion studio near Kiyosumi-Shirakawa station, Tokyo.

To this day, continuing to foster a carefree environment, surrounded by variously talented creatives.

February 2021:
After 31 long years, stopped drinking alcohol. I’m finding the value in how refreshing the lack of hangovers is nowadays.

Hobbies: Golf (if you call, and it is possible, I will answer)
Likes: To spend the day and night in a Super Sento (public bathhouse) that has a bedrock bath
Favorite words: “I love it!”, “You’re so lucky!”, “Great!”, “Fun!”, “I’m really grateful”, “How pleasant”, “Thanks”, “I approve”